Sail banners used in ourdoor display
Sail Banners Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services1 Sail Banners (also known as Feather Flags) take a couple of minutes to put up and look great even on still days. The whip flagpole which supports them ensures that the banner is always held open and visible even if there is no wind. You can have any design you like including photos, text and logos, in virtually any colour. Our Sail Banners and Feather Flags come in heights to fit 4m, 5m and 6m flagpoles. We supply fiberglass and aluminium poles which are priced separately. This enables you to choose the the right flagpole type and length for your situation.
We supply base systems for indoor/outdoor use on hard/soft ground and for car wheel application. Our quick and simple steel ground stake is ideal for sand snow and soft ground. Please see sail banner hardware.